Tuesday, August 31, 2010

*WWIT Reality Check* Hello Luvahs.....

* A check yourself update*

Damn it.  I don't even have a job that requires I wear cute business clothes and heels.  I can pretty much wear a notch above PJ's if I wanted to.   I have a closet full of cute heels and other than sneakers maybe 2 casual shoes appropriate for our rainy crap winter.  So I've come to a compromise.

1. I'm saying goodbye to my soft as butter leather beautiful blue shoes.

2. I AM buying something to replace them.  Some functional and cute North Face winter boots that I've been searching for for the last few years.  I'm excited to finally found winter boots that I love.

3.  I get to keep a version of the pretty ruffly shoes.  The color below is apparently the current season, but I found a soft grey color for less than 1/2 the price because it is sooooo last season. Who cares!  I love the shoe and I swear to goodness I've never found a pair of heels that are this super soft.  It's dang near like wearing ballet flats.

Win Win Sitch

This is an illusion, I really didn't just replace the "cleaning out the closet" shoes. *grin*


Danielle said...

Of course you did! Whats a girls to do with all that space? LOL

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I love the ones on the left!!! Love!


Ooooo! I love shoes!!

My Army Brats and Me said...

I am sure someone is gonna be happy to get a hold of some of your shoes:)